Welcome to Saint Mary Parish Online Giving Program, powered by ParishSOFT!
Our hope is that this will allow you to support The Parish of Saint Mary in a more convenient manner. Your parish is committed to providing you with a secure and accessible way to give online.
Thank you and May God bless you for your continued support.
As a parish that seeks to serve, we want to provide you the convenience of being able to contribute the way you want, whenever you want.
Registration for Online Giving is easy.
To get started, simply click the Online Giving logo at the top of this page go to ParishSOFT Giving (https://giving.parishsoft.com/App/Giving/smcn)
We hope you will consider using this service, especially if you currently manage your bills or banking online. If you have any questions, e-mail
Offertory Cards
At the Parish Office families using online giving may request colored online donor cards to place into the Offertory collection each weekend. We believe that some current/future givers would like the idea of putting something into the basket rather than just passing it along. We will recycle the cards and will reuse them until they are beyond their usefulness, at which time they will be replaced. Of course, you are under no obligation to use the online donor card.
If your family chooses to have offertory envelopes mailed to you, please contact the parish office, so that we can record that you have elected to receive offertory envelopes.
Please be advised that loose cash offerings (i.e. dropping cash in the basket) are not able to be tracked for a year-end tax contribution report. If there is no traceable contributions for 1 year the parishioner status will be moved to "Inactive".