Thanks to our new Mass Intention request system, there is no need to wait in line or visit the parish office to schedule a mass intention. The requested donation per mass intention is $10 as approved by the Bishops of New Jersey.
Go to the Mass date and time you wish to request an intention.
If an intention for your desired mass time is available it will be colored teal, if not, it will be grayed out. (You may want to check the Mass Calendar below first)
A Pop-up window will appear: complete the form for the intention and then save to cart.
Please type the "intention for" and the "intention by" fields as you wish them to be annoinced in the bulletin.
Please select the occasion: (deceased, living, anniversary...)
If you would like to receive a Mass card, please check the box. Mass cards can be picked up at the parish office. If you would like the mass card to be mailed, you must provide a mailing address. Kindly add an additional donation to cover the cost of postage.
Once you have selected the mass(es) for your intention(s), click "view cart" to review your masses and then click "proceed" to check out.
Complete the requestor pop-up form with your information then click save and continue.
Click "proceed to payment" and enter your credit or debit card information and click "complete purchase".
You will receive an email with the details of your requested intention(s) and mass(es)
All requests are reviewed in the order in which they are received. Once approved, you will receive a confirmation email and your credit card will be charged.
If your request is not approved for some reason you will receive an email stating the reason and your credit card will not be charged.